Thanks God It's Friday!.. I always thanks
God for every lovely weekend that I had and will be having!.. As weekend is always the sweetest moment for all of us.. Especially for those who are working for sure.. =P Last
2 weeks, suddenly felt like meeting this gang of friends.. Thus, sms been sent to all of them to gather on the next day which was
Friday.. Ya, very short notice.. Wahahaha~ But the attendees percentage was kinda satisfying.. We have
6 of us + I brought
Dennis together.. So, altogether..
7.. Hehe!
We had a pleasant and nice-long dinner~ We chatted watever things that we can chat about.. From movie ie
Secret, Black Sheep, Rogue Assassins to trip..
Genting.. Pd.. Yada yada yada~ haha! It was nice.. We had really great time kepoh-ing together.. Hehe! And to our surprise..
Dennis is very knowledgable eventhough he is much more younger than anyone of us.. =P
I like this last picture very much as all of us look great.. Can see from our smiles and faces, we were really happy with this dinner eventhough it was a short-notice one! Unlike our normal gathering.. We normally will send email like
1 month earlier! Gosh..
1 month earlier for a dinner.. This time, I successfully changed the way we worked! =P So, do expect more sudden sms from me asking for meet up! wahahaha~
The next day, initially, my plan was to sing
Karaoke with my lovely colleagues @
The Curve.. The time should start from
11am till
2pm.. I reached there before
11am as I was the one who booked the room.. Who knows?.. Si
AhYeong was realllllly late to
CK's house which made both of them late for the
Sing K session.. They reached
The Curve @
12pm!.. Yes, I have waited for them for
1 hour~ Not good.. LoL
MeiLin then joined us.. As well late!..
We then decided to watch movie.. After considerations been made, we decided to go for
Secret.. Jay Chou~ As too many good comments have been heard these few weeks.. =P Before the movie, we went to this German Restaurant called
Bavarian Bierhaus.. Highly recommended by
CK as he has tried once.. His favourite..
"Kaki Babi".. LoL You can see above for the food.. Hmm.. Frankly speaking, I dont really fancy the
"Kaki Babi".. Yes, undeniably it tastes different and more delicious from those that we always eat here in Msia but the
FAT is still very significantly seen!!..
BUT, we are definitely enlighten by the
Sausage Combo!!!.. OMG~ With just few Sausage.. It fully satisfied
4 of us.. It was really
NICE!.. Well, the price is kinda
"bite-tongue".. Haha! Very expensive.. Each of us has to pay
RM44+ for this luxury lunch~ Ya,
2 dishes..
4 drinks..
RM180.. >.<'''
After all, it was nice spending time with colleagues actually.. Once in a
blue moon spending that much of cash for a lunch.. Hmm.. Still okie la~ But maybe this
blue moon gonna be realllllll long for the next
one to be blue.. Hahaha.. Btw,
Secret is really really nice oo!! I just like it~ Will blog about the movie later on... =D

Weekend is always precious for me.. I appreciate each and every moment.. We only have 2 days to enjoy our life in 1 week.. After 5 working days which we have to face with all the pressure, tension, customers, sales, workloads, nagging from boss, politics in office, ups and downs with no-good colleauges etc etc.. These 2 days for me.. It's really really the golden moment!.. =P I enjoy it to the max sometimes.. Also, hv some time to just relax at home onlining and watching tv without doing anything else.. Spending quality time with family and friends.. Yeah.. Not bad huh? Hehe.. Lately, I always say this.. "Work hard.. Enjoy hard.." What do you think? =P
P/s: It's just Monday now.. Oh God.. When is the next weekend coming?!?!?!?!... hahahaha!
Jason Siah
11.24am 17th September 2007