~Muhibah Merdeka Day (?!)..~

Happy Merdeka Day! Yup! Today is our beloved country, Malaysia's 50th Birthday.. It's a Public Holiday.. Everyone is happy as we can enjoy the holiday with our family and friends.. Moreover, 'countdown' activities is one of the cannot-miss-show in Malaysia..
Yesterday, I spent very quality time with my Brother WaiBoon.. I will blog about my birthday later on.. But now.. About today's experience first.. hehe.. Okie, back to the topic.. WaiBoon brought me to see the fireworks @ Putrajaya.. I stayed overnite at his place.. This morning, after breakfast.. I went to Serdang Ktm station to take Ktm.. I reached there about 11.30am.. Waited and waited and waited.. 1st train came.. Packed! Full!.. I could not squeeze into the train!! It's okie.. I thought.. I can wait for the next one.. 2nd train came.. Packed! Full! Again, I could not squeeze into the train.. I told myself.. It's okie, bersabar.. Wait for the next one.. 3rd train came.. Packed! Full! OMG~ This is too much.. I told myself.. I MUST try my very best to squeeze in BUT I failed~~ So did I for the 4th & 5th!!!!.. Yes, I could manage to take the stupid Ktm.. Only when the 6th train came.. Oh.. Finally, I was in the train.. I was so so happy.. I managed to get myself a seat when the train reached KL Central station.. Cos most ppl got down there.. But..................................... My butt was not HOT yet.. We were being forced or instructed to get down from the train @ KL station to wait for another train!!!!!! What the fuck?! Yes, that's the fuck~ I was so angry and frustrated!! What the heck this KTM Berhad was thinking?? What kind of arrangement was that?? I really do not know why we had to go through this.. Disappointing..
Of course, I managed to reach home for sure.. But.. Only at 3pm! Yes.. Remember I said I reached Serdang station at 11.30am.. 3 and 1/2 hours journey! My God~ Dammit! I have nothing much to say.. Just one word.. FAILED! It's really disappointing to know that our Ktm service is still this bad when the country reached 50 years old!.. I do not want to relate this to the Merdeka Day.. It's just too frustrating.. Anyway, when I was in the train.. I found out 1 very funny scene.. Which I think, well.. This is really what we mean by Merdeka Day.. In Ktm.. Wahahaha! What's that scene? Muhibah scene lo~ We have all Kind of races in the train man~ Not muhibah enough meh? With lotsa foreigners somemore neh!!
Okai.. Just bubbling here.. Cos too pikchik.. Happy Merdeka to everyone.. & Muhibah always..
Jason Siah
50th Merdeka Day of Malaysia..