~Surprise for Gary.. Hapi Bday!~

We started to "collect" food without waiting all.. We just grab as much as we could and more joining us right after that.. Let me count count.. We have the Birthday Boi, Gary.. Stacy.. Adik Syl.. Jo.. Mav Mak.. Sammie.. Andrew.. Adrian.. Tony.. Mikel.. AhBeng & Shaz.. We grabbed (food), eat.. Drink.. Chat.. Camwhore.. And of course.. Laugh!! Not sure why.. I have made Sammie laughed like crazy that nite.. Even Jo cried bcos of my joke~ Mmm.. Am I being too Hilarious? Or really that I have sense of humour?? Confuse pulak~ Hahaha.. We enjoyed ourselves damn much~ We ate alot.. We chatted alot.. We took pic alot (OF COURSE!).. We lalala alot..
Suddenly, Kakak Stacy dissappeared~~ And re-appreared.. Following her, a handsome waiter holding the birthday cake.. The best part was.. Gary was too concentrating on looking @ her gf and suddenly when he looked in front, the cake was there!!! Wow~ Surprise!~~ And we started to sing lor.. What else? Then.. what happened?? Everyone said byebye and go back lor... OF COURSE NOT!!! What else if not blowing candle, cutting the cake.. Eating the cake.. Camwhore again.. Hahahahaha~ Just like routine work.. The cake is damn nice.. Again, compliment to Adrian's brother for the super delicious chocolate cake! I like it~ In fact, I believe everyone loves it!
This nite.. I enjoyed alot.. From making ppl around me laugh.. That's a great deed! I mean.. What is happier than making ppl around us to be happy leh?? Hehe.. Moreover, I have taken a lot of nice pic this nite.. And a lot of candid pictures~ Hehehe.. Sorry guys and gals.. Yes, I purposely one.. Hehehe.. =P
Last but not the least.. Of course must dedicate this to the cute Gary~~ Hapi Birthday Gary Mak! May your Wishes Come True.. And I really really wish You & Stacy to BHappy Always.. Bhealthy.. And stay cool~ =D May God Bless You & Your Family..
Have recorded 2 video clips this time.. 1st.. Birthday time.. Specially for our Birthday Boi.. Gary.. 2nd.. Wahahahahahhaa~ This one is dedicated to our lovely Sammie.. Look how crazy I made her be! LoL Sorry dear.. It's kinda cute actually, no worries! Haha.. Enjoy the video clips and pic then! =D
I like this candid pic of Mav.. Oops! =P
So cute the expression la!!
We both same birthday de oo!!
Almost forget.. Wanna specially thank AhBeng for sending me back home to Rawang.. really really really appreciate it very much! And thanks for sharing your story with me too.. We must gambateh together ok!? =D Do take care! And wish u bhappy always..
Jason Siah
28th April 2007