~The 2 that I Love..~
1. Body Vive @ Maxis, KLCC
Oh My.. This is the first time I went to Maxis branch and also the first time I joined Body Vive class!!! It is just so so nice~ Very much surprised bcos of the fun and joyful steps with the lovely couple, Jason & Winnie!..

We all wear Blue that nite.. We were excited to be in the class.. Playing balls and strings.. Hahaha! Sound a bit out but well.. That's the truth wor!.. LoL The Challenge started well.. We all enjoyed really much!.. And out of a sudden.. Winnie shouted.. "And now.. Miracle's Teams.. Please look for the GXM now!!..".. However, nobody moved.. We all still enjoying the steps!.. Again, Winnie shouted..
Then everyone just throwed the strings in our hands and ran out from the studio looking for Alex, the GXM of Maxis branch!!..

With the luck in our side, we managed to locate him first!.. We got our clue.. To find something.. And the clue sounds smth like this..
"Green green grass of home. Drink me everyday to detoxify your body system. I'm able to boost up your body system too. Where am I??? "
Cant really remember.. However, the 1st thing that striked our mind.. Was Green Tea!.. We ran to the pantry and quickly grabbed a cup of Green Tea!.. We ran back to the room (We found him in the room!..) and passed him the Green Tea!.. "What is this?!?! Why did you guys bring me this?!?! GIVE YOU A TIPS!.. YOU CANT FIND THIS ITEM IN FF ITSELF!!!!.." And what else?!?! We quickly ran out from the room and grabbed our wallet to go out from FF and look for the item that he wanted!!!..

Yeah.. I really loved this challenge.. We enjoyed each and every moment!.. The Class.. The Running.. The Enjoyment.. The Excitement.. Hahaha! And of course, we won!.. We were the 1st team to find the item and checked-in!.. Oh yeah~~ We were really thrilled!.. =D
2. Body Pump @ Summit
This is indeed the most joyful and happening Challenge that The RATTs had.. Eventhough our team lack of 2 members but we have the biggest gang of friends supporting us!!.. Twins, Alvin & Kelvin, Brian and LeRoy.. Together they participated in this very Challenge with us.. Body Pump~~

We have already expected that in the mid of the class, surely we would need to face a Roadblock just like previous Challenge.. And yes, we need to find something.. The clue sound like this:
"I can hear babies crying all day long. The aroma of fried chicken makes my little tummy growl. I am alone, sitting at a corner, hungry and cold. Mummy, please take me home."
All of us including Alvin, Kelvin and Brian abandoned our weights and ran towards the 'destination'.. We reached at Summit Ground Floor (or Lower Ground?!), but we really hv noooooo idea what and where to find!!.. So we walked along the shops asking if they know about this challenge and the RUSH clue. None of the shop assistants had a clue of what we were talking about, and were probably very puzzled to see so many people running around.

I then realised that this pregnant Cashier at Cold Storage was giggling with her other colleagues and laughing at us.. So, she was my TARGET!.. There were few members from other teams approaching her as well.. "Buka mata BESAR BESAR...", She said.. I asked her at least to tell us where are we supposed to look for the thing... "Di sini je. Tempat Akak ni je... Tapi tak boleh masuk dalam Cashier I ni ya...". So, me and the other team were scanning the counter and product display, and suddenly, 1 of the team member spotted a row of FF magnetized pen sticking on the top left of the wall! Apa lagi?.. We grabbed the pen and we ran!!!..
I could not locate any 1 of The RATTs or our friends.. Except Brian far far away.. So.. I shouted.. "RATTTTTTTTTTSSS!" so LOUD that all of them heard.. Hahaha!! We all ran back to gym and found out that we were the 3rd team to reach.. However, the 1st two teams were not complete and we became the 1st team to check-in! Oh Baby~~~ We were sooooo excited!!!!!.. =D Thanks to all our friends man!!!!! =D

Well.. I don't feel to elaborate so long but I indeed have already elaborated long enough!.. haha! Sorry guys.. Can't help it~ Still excited and thrilled everytime I think back the wonderful and amazing moments that we all had together!.. Simply lovely.. Guess, that's it for this round.. The last Challenge is coming.. The one that almost trigger my asthma! Ya Allah.. Takut betul~ hahaha!.. Stay Tune.. =D

Jason Siah
11.10pm 16th July 2008