Sorry for not been updating my blog so frequent lately.. I really have not much time on this anymore.. Thus, I have made a decision to stop updating post in my blog here.. I won't close this down.. But I will not continue posting here as well.. Everything will be moved over to my Multiply account.. As well as my facebook account..
Thanks for your support all these while.. Do visit my Multiply @ in the future for more J's Stories..
Now talking about the last 2 Challenges before the Final one.. I Love these 2 Challenges for its own reasons.. =D
1. Body Vive @ Maxis, KLCC Oh My.. This is the first time I went to Maxis branch and also the first time I joined Body Vive class!!! It is just so so nice~ Very much surprised bcos of the fun and joyful steps with the lovely couple, Jason & Winnie!..
We all wear Blue that nite.. We were excited to be in the class.. Playing balls and strings.. Hahaha! Sound a bit out but well.. That's the truth wor!.. LoL The Challenge started well.. We all enjoyed really much!.. And out of a sudden.. Winnie shouted.. "And now.. Miracle's Teams.. Please look for the GXM now!!..".. However, nobody moved.. We all still enjoying the steps!.. Again, Winnie shouted..
Then everyone just throwed the strings in our hands and ran out from the studio looking for Alex, the GXM of Maxis branch!!..
With the luck in our side, we managed to locate him first!.. We got our clue.. To find something.. And the clue sounds smth like this..
"Green green grass of home. Drink me everyday to detoxify your body system. I'm able to boost up your body system too. Where am I???"
Cant really remember.. However, the 1st thing that striked our mind.. Was Green Tea!.. We ran to the pantry and quickly grabbed a cup of Green Tea!.. We ran back to the room (We found him in the room!..) and passed him the Green Tea!.. "What is this?!?! Why did you guys bring me this?!?! GIVE YOU A TIPS!.. YOU CANT FIND THIS ITEM IN FF ITSELF!!!!.." And what else?!?! We quickly ran out from the room and grabbed our wallet to go out from FF and look for the item that he wanted!!!..
Yeah.. I really loved this challenge.. We enjoyed each and every moment!.. The Class.. The Running.. The Enjoyment.. The Excitement.. Hahaha! And of course, we won!.. We were the 1st team to find the item and checked-in!.. Oh yeah~~ We were really thrilled!.. =D
2. Body Pump @ Summit This is indeed the most joyful and happening Challenge that The RATTs had.. Eventhough our team lack of 2 members but we have the biggest gang of friends supporting us!!.. Twins, Alvin & Kelvin, Brian and LeRoy.. Together they participated in this very Challenge with us.. Body Pump~~
We have already expected that in the mid of the class, surely we would need to face a Roadblock just like previous Challenge.. And yes, we need to find something.. The clue sound like this:
"I can hear babies crying all day long. The aroma of fried chicken makes my little tummy growl. I am alone, sitting at a corner, hungry and cold. Mummy, please take me home."
All of us including Alvin, Kelvin and Brian abandoned our weights and ran towards the 'destination'.. We reached at Summit Ground Floor (or Lower Ground?!), but we really hv noooooo idea what and where to find!!.. So we walked along the shops asking if they know about this challenge and the RUSH clue. None of the shop assistants had a clue of what we were talking about, and were probably very puzzled to see so many people running around.
I then realised that this pregnant Cashier at Cold Storage was giggling with her other colleagues and laughing at us.. So, she was my TARGET!.. There were few members from other teams approaching her as well.. "Buka mata BESAR BESAR...", She said.. I asked her at least to tell us where are we supposed to look for the thing... "Di sini je. Tempat Akak ni je... Tapi tak boleh masuk dalam Cashier I ni ya...". So, me and the other team were scanning the counter and product display, and suddenly, 1 of the team member spotted a row of FF magnetized pen sticking on the top left of the wall! Apa lagi?.. We grabbed the pen and we ran!!!..
I could not locate any 1 of The RATTs or our friends.. Except Brian far far away.. So.. I shouted.. "RATTTTTTTTTTSSS!" so LOUD that all of them heard.. Hahaha!! We all ran back to gym and found out that we were the 3rd team to reach.. However, the 1st two teams were not complete and we became the 1st team to check-in! Oh Baby~~~ We were sooooo excited!!!!!.. =D Thanks to all our friends man!!!!! =D Well.. I don't feel to elaborate so long but I indeed have already elaborated long enough!.. haha! Sorry guys.. Can't help it~ Still excited and thrilled everytime I think back the wonderful and amazing moments that we all had together!.. Simply lovely.. Guess, that's it for this round.. The last Challenge is coming.. The one that almost trigger my asthma! Ya Allah.. Takut betul~ hahaha!.. Stay Tune.. =D
Another thing about this Miracle RUSH competition is that each team needs to prepare a 5-minute performance for our finale!.. And of course, with our very professional choreographer, Mr Simon as 1 of The Thorns.. We definitely gonna have the chance to learn a new dance!!!.. Oh yeah baby! I guess, I would be the most excited and enthusiastic members of the team!! Why?? I just LOVE dancing sooooooo much and it has really been a while since the last time I got the chance to involve in a stage performance!!.. The last one was during my Uni time and it's Chinese Cultural Dance.. Yes, I am serious!.. Don't ask me why and how I managed to do that!.. =P
Mari mari.. Ambik gambar sambil Menari!..
Kk: Apa nie?!?!? U salah ke I salah?.. Ish..
Kk: Macam inilah betul!!.. =P
So, we started the practice quite early in the beginning of the whole competition.. We practiced really hard as only me and Simon are involved in stage performance before.. The other 3.. Yes.. But not dancing performance.. So, the very first concern of our Mr Choreo is the CHOREO itself!!!.. Well, after long consideration and 'design' from Simon.. We have got to this very HipHop dance!.. And frankly speaking, I just LOVE it from deep inside my heart.. Damn Good Simon!!.. Damn good..
Combat with Sweeeeeee~~
We still have Challenges to go for!.. This round Body Combat~ Well, Simon is very excited as he likes Swee's class and we got hers of course!.. It is fun and tiring!.. And for sure, we managed to accomplish the task!!!.. Well.. A very interesting phenomenon which is happening in our team is that.. We are busy with our practices and Challenges for this Miracle event.. However, we never forget to enjoy ourselves too!!.. We did manage to catch up with our friends (The RATTs' Supporters) for movie!.. After movie, we definitely need some time to sit down and have a great chat with each other!.. =D McD is our choice this time!.. Some pictures to visualise.. =D
Brian has a new Haircut! Patrick still smiles without showing teeth!!
Cute ke?.. =P
In this post, would like to share another Challenge with you guys.. This is definitely NOT my cup of tea!.. RPM Challenge!!! Haha~ So scary!.. But still, we have to go for it right?? Too bad.. That day was the day our very "beloved" PM announcing on the increment of petrol's price and it caused the entire country to fall into a f**king-jam place!!!.. Everywhere was jam that day and it was really quite a "memorable" day for me!.. I was stuck in the bus towards Kelana Jaya LRT station as I need to take LRT to proceed to Asia Jaya for the Challenge!.. Unfortunately, as soon as the bus got out from Puchong exit (toll), the jam was sooooo bad until u could not even possibly imagine!.. AND I wanted to PEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (**Okie.. I skip this part)
The Handsome Thorns in White..
By the time I reached!.. The Challenge has started and yes, it means that I have missed another Challenge!.. Anyway, all other 4 managed to participate in the RPM Challenge and I feel so proud of you guys!!!.. Salute!.. =D In this Challenge, we have to face our very 1st Road Block and it is Sudoku!.. Well, we do have ppl who indeed very good in Sudoku.. Thus, we managed to finish it within 15minutes and get the next clue!!.. Well, anyhow.. It was quite an experience for me.. Even tho I did not manage to join the Challenge but at least, I was there for morale support!!! Hahahahaha~~ (Ya Right.. So much of J's Morale Support huh?..) =P
The RATTs with Teoh!..
That's it for this time.. Again.. Wait for the next update.. I have another 2 very very very INTERESTING and FUN Challenges to share!.. =D Stay Tune..
Last but not the least, share 1 short video clip with you guys!.. This video clip was taken when we went to this Game Park @ Summit after our practice!.. I really love this video very very much!.. The Heroes, Colin & Kk showed how excited they could be in a simple but nice video game!.. Enjoy..~~~
Still remember the time Colin told me about this Miracle Rush Event of Fitness First.. I was very blur and my 1st question for him was.. "Is it competition like Amazing Race?.." And I dunno why.. He did answer me "YES.." at that time which in fact directly or indirectly has affected me to join the competition.. Enthusiastically.. Then.. I realised that in fact, this is actually an event organised by Fitness First to raise fund for charity.. Of course.. I joined it with my fullest heart.. It's time to participate in some charity work tho!.. =D
So, quickly we formed a team~ And we named ourselves The RATTs.. NO HISTORY STORY here.. =P In fact, I really love the team so much!.. We always have fun and happy-go-lucky.. Then I get to know that we need to go for challenges and challenges in this 1-month time.. Challenges would be classes of Les Mills~ Which means Body Jam, Body Balance, Body Pump, Body Combat.. Yada Yada.. And we have to go different branches for all the challenges!.. I was really happy that time.. Excited as well.. Frankly speaking.. Even though I am holding passport membership but I only go to The Curve, FF ALWAYS.. Been to Uptwon, FF once.. As for Les Mills classes.. Er.. Body Jam, Body Combat are my favourite so far.. Others.. Hehehe!.. So, it's really a very good chance for me to join other classes & to go other branches of FF as well~ Don't waste my Passport membership ma!!! =P
Okie.. Back to the team.. After forming up the team.. We need to register ourselves for the competition and we need to take picture for that purpose.. So, we had a camwhore session!.. Hahaha! We took a lot of pictures to select one of the best for the registration.. But it just went off and off with lotsa fun and laughters!.. Of course, we still managed to take many wonderful and great pictures!.. =D
There started the Challenge!.. And well well well.. The very 1st and foremost Challenge was Body Balance but somehow this J could not manage to balance himself and fall sick!!!! I had a very high fever and had to take 2 days MC!.. So, I missed the 1st Challenge lor!.. We then went for Body Attack!.. Oh Yeah~ Nama yg sungguh menakutkans... Haha! It's Peter's class and I shall say.. It's fun but J doesn't like it~ Sorry.. =P But well, for me.. This is the 1st Challenge that 5 of us joining together!.. So, it's kinda memorable~~
The 3rd Challenge was the most Fun & Enjoyable one la wei~~ It's Body Jamtime!!!!.. Our Favourite of all!.. And of course, we grooved together like crazy!.. Dancing is still the most favourite hobbies for me.. Wahahaha! HOBBIES! What a word? LoL I was very happy for this challenge.. Cos.. We really really enjoyed ourselves very much during the class.. And then we went to have our dinner + supper!! We ordered a lot of food.. Until can't put anymore food on the table.. Yes, that's a lot! =P We makan like nobody cares and of course balik tido lor selepas itu~~ =P
Well.. That's it for now.. Dun wanna make it too long for the 1st post la.. Hehe! More and more to come!.. =D
Very Messed Up now.. My mind is messed up.. My heart is messed up.. My emotion is messed up.. Even now, my feeling is also messed up!! I've been asking myself repeatedly the same questions for I-dunno-how-many times.. I still find out that it is very much unbelievable for myself.. I feel very surprised and even shocked!! I'm surprised that I miss u so much.. I'm surprised that I couldn't sleep because of u.. I' m surprised that I would think of u each and every minutes.. All these are just too much for me!. I'm just so messed up!!..
Do u noe how it feels to be fallen in love with someone.. I noe exactly how it feels.. N that's one of da reasons i have not let myself to fall for anyone since da last time.. Ya, it's kinda stupid to think like that.. But i cant help it..
My heart is pumping fast.. My mind is all about u.. My mood is affecting by every single thing related to u.. My thoughts are so messed up!
I've no idea wat to do.. I'm stucked.. I cant proceed.. I cant get back either.. I've no way to go.. I can onli pretend that we're good friends.. Like I don love u..
Love isn't like this.. Love is to voice out.. Love is to act out.. Love is to express out too! But in this condition, can i do so? Am I allowed to do so? I've disagreed myself.. Sometimes,thing jus doesn't go like how we want it to be.. I've to understand this theory well enough..
Just that.. It is so suprising n So shocking.. That I've really fallen in love with u..