~Show Mi Concert @ Genting..~
Of course, we never forgotten about taking pic la.. This is a MUST~ We have taken some pictures before the show.. During the show and for sure after the show as well! Hehe~ It was raining when the show ended.. We got out from Arena Genting and just chatted in the entrance hoping that Sammi will use the entrance since it's raining.. =P But nothing happened of course.. So, we just taken some funny pic.. One of them is the Peel Fresh adv.. Haha~ It's bcos Sammi doesn't know what is Peel Fresh when she thanked all the sponsorship company.. After that, someone told her it's juice.. So she said.. OH.. JUICE la.. I know ar.. Wahahaha~ She is just so funny~ =P
We cannot let it end just like that la~ We actually have planned earlier on to celebrate my Abu, Shehway's birthday~ Surprise celebration cos she seemed like really doesn't even know that we have prepared a cake~ We planned to sing K~ But too bad.. All rooms were fully booked~ And have to wait till 2am only can sing!! What? 2am? Gila babi~ So, we changed our plan to Clubbing @ Safari Club in 1st World! Wow~ It was sooooo happening that nite~ Maybe it's Friday nite.. So, it's kinda crowded and I like the music they play in Safari.. Very nice to dance~ We danced like crazy ppl.. Imitating Sammi kononnya.. For almost 2 hours.. We are really energetic huh? Hehe.. We are still "YOUNG" ppl ma~ Of course la energetic! There was one small "accident" happened during our clubbing session.. Someone stepped on Alex's leg till he could not even STAND up!! Pity him.. Can see and feel his pain thru his expression.. We all think that the person purposely stepped on his leg~ Cos Alex too high ald that nite~ He danced like nobody business so, sometimes, this will make ppl feel uncomfortable cos they just jealous~ BODOH~ Anyway, we have very very nice time dancing together.. Really long time never go clubbing lo~ CUN la wei~
We managed to execute our suprise plan for Shehway's birthday celebration very well~ Hehe! After dancing in the club for almost 2 hours, Kaiwei felt hungry and went out to look for food.. It's just located outside of Safari Club.. And our beloved Shehway joined her for supper time~ So.. We decided to prepare the cake outside the restaurant and bring in with Birthday Song~ Executed it very well.. What a SHOCKING PINK for Shehway.. Can see she is really surprised and happy about it~ Hehe.. Well done once again SoLoBies!! =DWe had a very great sleep.. Haha.. We slept until 10smth~ Then only we prepared to go out for our breaklunch.. We checked out and then we went to Kenny Rogers.. Dunno why, that's the only choice we have in mind~ We had nice time there having our meal and of course not forgetting to gossip.. Gossip about what?? Shhhh.. Tak boleh beritahu~~ =P After that, we take a walk around Timesquare.. Take pic~ Jumping around --> Only me la~ haha! Eating ice-cream as well..
Before we really depart to go downhill.. We decided to FLY uphill first! Yes~ This FLYING COASTER!!!! I have been looking forward to ride this game since the 1st time Juit told me about it~ Abu said it's not that nice.. No feel wor.. But then, she still joined us become Superwoman~ Another 2 Superwomen are Kaiwei and Yarching la of course.. The game was really excited~ But it's just too FAST and RAPID! I cant even see anything when we were flying!! Just screamed screamed and screamed!! Wahahaha.. so funny.. Look @ some pic we took below.. Very nice lor~ Hehehe..
It was really a great trip~ Eventhough it's SHORT but very Free & Easy.. No pressure at all.. We enjoyed each and every moment together.. We enjoyed the Concert of course.. Damn HIGH~ We enjoyed the time dance in Safari club.. It's exciting.. We enjoyed the moment eating and chatting together.. It's warm and happy.. We enjoyed the moment of the SHOCKING PINK birthday celebration for Shehway.. It's memorable~ Conclusion.. It's definitely a worth-while trip to Genting this time.. Thank you very much to Sammi for bringing us along~ At least, it's the reason we gathered together in Genting.. Thanks to Wee for arranging everything.. He is the one who bought the tix.. Booked the hotel.. Communicated with everyone.. Hehe.. =D Thanks to Abu for joining.. From JB.. Giving us a chance to give u a surprise! Thanks to Kaiwei for loving Sammi due to "man sui".. hehe~ Keep loving her.. Thanks to Yarching for joining us again eventhough she has gone to Hongkong one and might being going to LasVegas' concert~ Crazy rite? I noe.. Hahaha! Thanks to Alex & Ocean for joining SoLoBies and having nice time together~ =D
Jason Siah
1.36pm 27th June 2007
At 3:16 PM,
V.V said…
Hey Jason... wow raelly enjoy ur great time there ;)
and... realised tat u know Yarching..(my pri sch mate) keke...she told me abt her trip to sammi concert... n i saw her pics here keke...
i like the jumping pic... i was thinking u r one of the model in the mural haha...
At 2:02 PM,
The J said…
Hihi veo.. Thanks for reading my blog and leave me msg here.. really happy and appreciate~
Ya, we have a great time together.. Always have.. hehe! Wow! you know Yarching huh? What a small world~ hehe.. She is ur pri schmate? She is my uni mate~ We are very closed and our gang always stick together for activities~ =D U can look out for more post about our activities togehter with yarching in future~ hehehe..
U really like that pic? haha~ i like jumping pic but somehow.. other ppl also always do this.. sO i seldom jump~ once in a blue moon.. haha! model in the mural? how I wished I can be a kid back!!!?? hahaha~ =P
At 6:44 PM,
Crayn Tay said…
oh..i miss out too much liao..hwo was ur life bro..???
At 9:00 PM,
The J said…
No worries bro.. U still can catch up! hehehe.. i am fine.. very fine.. packed with work and activities.. Life stil goes on and on~ Hope the same goes to u.. Happy life k? =D
At 5:47 PM,
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