~So You Think You Can Dance.. Part 3..~
This blog is just my little review for yesterday's performance~ Hmm.. Today, not only going to talk about that few favourite contestants of mine but also others whom I think really worked very very hard for this show.. Salute to them! Hehe.. They are really amazing!! In such a short time.. Learn new dance.. New steps.. New choreography.. Wow.. And perform nationally on TV!! Amazing~
Let's go for the 1st couple.. Alice & Chris kicked off the show with a slightly weak performance this week~ Maybe Malay Contemporary is really not their cup of tea~ They could not actually perform well.. Especially Chris.. I personally do not like they way he performs Malay Contem.. Well.. At last Alice & Chris got eliminated.. It's sad to see someone leaving but this is the way the show runs..
2nd couple was Nikki & Yuz.. This time Nikki got the chance to show her very own hip-hop dance!! And of course she did it very well.. As for Yuz.. Well.. He has transformed quite well man.. Look like a 'hip-hopper' lor.. Wahahaha~~ Hip-hopper.. Got this word meh?? I also dunno.. =P
Sorry, could not find Yuz pic..
This one, I started to hv different point of view from the judges.. Brancy & Firul in their Malay Contemporary performance.. In my opinion.. Brancy was ok~ She did quite well but not Firul~ Really don understand why the judge said that he is good in this dance!! Gosh.. Blind?? =P And I think Firul needs to thank Brancy so so much for helping him really a lot~~
Another definitely-not-agreeing-with-judges example.. Jo & Jimmy.. Their Ballroom dance was simply Lovely and Loving.. Both of them are emotionally engaged.. So so well.. Eventhough undeniably this time, it's hard for both of them as this is definitely out of their comfort zone.. And eventhough this dance for Jimmy definitely not as good as his hip hop or modern dance or even malay contem BUT definitely he does not belong to BOTTOM 4!!... This really what I think.. and I nearly fall from the chair when his name being announced as BOTTOM 4! Hahaha... Of course, I shocked my parents la.. hehehe.. Luckily din really fall down..
Becky & Dennis.. I guess maybe I am really NOT PROFESSIONAL and that is why I have totally different opinions and comments from the judge especially Mr Pat.. I personally like Dennis very much.. I really can see his talent and I think he is cute.. haha.. But this dance.. FUNK.. He did not shine at all.. Instead Becky overshined him~~ He even MISSED the timing of the movement! BUT.. The judges said he was GOOD.. And Becky was OUT.. Grrr... Alrite.. I am the BLIND one ok??? =P Btw, Adik Syl.. I still like Dennis.. But yesterday dance.. He really tak baik sangat la.. haha!
After few disappointments.. We have another SPICY SAMBAL BELACAN performance from Isaac & Sue!!! Wow wow wow! Compared to last 2 weeks.. They have improved really alot especially on the connection between them! They are so damn connected and they danced so so well in Samba~ Especially the way they are turning their butt.. hahaha.. really SEXY and Nice.. =P I rated them as No.1 myself this week.. Of course, my own RATING la.. wahahaha...
The last couple but not the least.. Orange & Vish!! Performing Dancehall~~ Wow.. They NAILED it again this week!! Orange is really a cute gal and in this dance.. He is so INTO it~~ Really like they way she dances.. As for Vish!! He improves a lot and a lot~~ He is no longer just and Indian Culture Dance dancer.. =D And yesterday.. Can see he is more confident on stage.. That's a good thing..
Alright.. That's our Top 16!!! Hehe.. I really like the show very much.. Hoping to go to Ruums one day.. Really hope to get the chance la.. haha~ And now they are having Roadshow.. Starting tomorrow @ TimeSquare!! Grrr... TimeSquare.. Ok.. I guess, I cant join also la.. =P
All in all.. The show was great~ Looking forward to next Thursday show.. And will update with video clips soon when it's uploaded to YouTube.. hehe.. =D
Jason Siah
11.17pm 18th May 2007
At 4:29 AM,
Crayn Tay said…
wei jason..long time din come here lo..coz nothing...without reason.. haha ..like ur blog so much..
from the very 1st day until..still love to read it..
At 6:06 PM,
The J said…
Hihi.. thank u so much for ur compliment.. hehe.. WITHOUT REASON??? Wei.. That one cannot be accepted la.. haha.. Do come more ya! =D
At 4:47 PM,
Crayn Tay said…
eh eh ..coz i cant give comment in thsi one a.. i din watch the show.. but i watched ur video clip at here.. wowo..nice...hahah so final liao?
At 9:52 PM,
The J said…
Not yet la.. still have lots to go!!! Hehehe~ I will keep on uploading the pic and video clip IF GOT here.. also will update every week.. So u just take a look here lor.. hehehe!
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