~Pirates of Shoes?~
When the 1st time I saw this shoes.. I LOVE it so much~ Not sure why.. It's just captured my attention so so much.. The salesperson told me this is Limited Edition of JAZZ STAR and the theme is Pirates of Carribean.. hahaha.. Sound a bit funny to buy a pair of shoes with a movie theme BUT the design is so cool and it costs onli RM70!!!! Ouch.. Nice fashionable cool~ I just like it! Moreover, there isn't any Pirates image on the design.. No CHOW YUN FATT or JOHNY DEPP on it.. Hahaha.. Just blue + pink.. This is the greatest colors combination that I love the most! Hehe.. So, here I present to u.. The Pirates of Shoes~~ LoL
Btw, today had nice time in office.. Chatting with other colleagues for few hours bcos there was no call!! And then went to The Curve and had a short drink with Sammie & Andrew! Short but still enjoyable chatting with them~ Right after that, I rushed to my Body jam class~ Very very nice! Satisfying.. Fetched mummy then got back home and ONLINE till now!! Gosh.. So many hours.. Need to sleep ald.. Just to share this little thing about my Saturday with u all.. Have a nice weekend!!! =D
Jason Siah
1.44am 10th June 2007
At 1:43 PM,
Blur^Sand said…
wah!!!! beh tahan!!!! nice shoes ler! suit ur style ma!!! GOOD!!
(most importance part is... really cheap ler... RM70 only... )
At 8:35 PM,
The J said…
Yeahyeah.. nice leh? I like it damn much leh~ So far onli wear twice! hahaha..
Wei wei wei.. When to meet up jek? u arrange la this time~ Last time I arranged ald.. hahaha! Then I wear this out and show u guys lo.. LoL
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