~So You Think You Can Dance.. Part 4..~
This week, the competition is getting very HOT as most of them performed really good~ The first couple this week was Orange & Vish performing Malay Contemp!!! The suprise was not the dance BUT the production has chosen an ENGLISH song for this Malay Contemp dance!!! What's wrong with them? It's just so.. Erm.. Not ngam feel lor~ PLUS with the choreography that have separated Orange & Vish so far far away.. It just looked like YOU dance YOURS I dance MINE kinda show~ NO CONNECTION.. No CHEMISTRY.. Hmm.. A bit disappointed.. Vish has not really SHINED this week~ Just normal performance.. As for Orange, I personally like her movements very much~ Her body is very flexible which make her suitable to dance any kind of dancing.. Just like Noor..
I was so so happy when I know that Nikki & Yuz were performing Broadway dance!! It surely be very interesting and exciting.. They performed well~ Especially Yuz! It was a pleasant surprise for me to see that Yuz has actually performing very consistently every week~ Malay contemp.. HipHop.. And even Broadway.. He is so cute and cheeky~ His facial expression and movements.. Very da jeng~ BAGUS! Hehe.. As for Nikki.. Personally, I still think that she is lack of feminine side for this dance.. Abit.. Haha~ I mean.. Some of the movements, she needs to be cute.. Yes, we got it~ But some.. needs to be feminine.. She doesnt portray it~~ Between Orange and Nikki which both being sent for Bottom 4, I really wish to vote for Orange bcos the nite performance.. Orange is better~Then.. Another most favourable couple, Sue & ISaac's turn to perform~ After almost 1 week now.. Been reading all the comments and reviews from other supporters of the shows.. Almost everyone actually doesn't really like their dance.. but for.. I really like it very much cos it's damn good.. Eventho missed a bit of the timing part but still damn good!! Transition not so good but very great energy as the transition is fully depending on the choreo part~ I actually like the difficulties of the dance itself.. Ya, it has alot of STUNTS liddat which I personally fancy very much on it! hehe..
Last week, I don't really like the performance of Dennis.. Meanwhile Becky was being sent to Bottom 4.. And this week~~ OMG!!! Becky was soooooooo COOL~ I should say SEXY!! hehe.. Eventho I myself do not really like this dance because I still like to see more movements on the legs part for both of them especially Dennis.. He got the look, the expression.. Even the act~ But not the DANCE itself.. Once, I don really like his performance.. As for Becky.. Again.. SEXY and she did great! Oh btw, they were performing Tango!!!! One thing to highlight.. Mr Ramli, one of the judges commented like this for the dance.. "It's like the oven is hot but not enough things to cook in"~ LoL Means not good enough lo.. So BOMBASTIC la the sentence.. AdUI~ =PHiphop for Noor & Alam is actually don bring any suprise element to me.. So far, I am very into Noor's dance because I like her flexibility of her movements which I think definitely an advantage to all kind of dances.. In hiphop, eventhough it's out of her comfort zone but she performed well~ As for Alam.. Maybe it's just too easy for him, tat's why he looked like not so ENERGETIC.. Or.. Maybe he did not want to OVERSHINE Noor as he is better in this kind of dance~ Well, I have no idea about that.. Just my own point of view.. Anyhow.. "Bias"-ly, Alam is not my cup of tea.. So far, he is good but not great for me~~
Another sexy performance by Brancy & Firul for their HOT and SPICY Latin Mambo!! I like Brancy very much this week as she performed really well in the dance.. The expression and the movement were all very SHARP and HOT! She really could be a professional dancer for Latin Mambo! As for Firul.. Eventhough I could feel that he is not that comfortable with the dance but he was really shine this week~ The passion for both of them were so so THERE! The chemistry was HOT and u cant resist to see more and more from the dance!
Okie.. Last but not the least.. Jo & Jimmy.. Performing an energetic and 'sunshine' kinda dance called Hop dance.. I don think this is hard for Jimmy as personally, I was in his class before.. He was just so ENERGETIC everytime when comes to dancing! Haha.. So, this dance.. he din disappoint anybody at all.. At least.. For me, I do think that way!! Like his energy so much.. his cheekiness and cuteness in the dance.. Besides, their timing were sooo ngam for all the movements!! Except there was one part that Jimmy needs to hold Jo on top while Jo posed like she is flying.. Hmm.. That one.. Look like a bit GOYANG la.. But still, I like this dance very very much!!!
It's very sad to see Vish & Orange leaving the show.. Especially Orange as I really think that she is better than Nikki in the performance of that nite~ But.. This is the way the show runs.. Someone must leave in order for somone else to WIN~ And I can foresee.. That the competition will be getting even HOTTER and HOTTER coming weeks as they are all strong dancers and improved a lot as well!!! Anyway, hope that Orange and Vish will continue dancing and hope to see them again in other kind of dancing competition in near future!! =D
Our Top 12 Now!!
Jason Siah
10.30pm 30th May 2007
At 12:19 AM,
Unknown said…
i love to see FIRUL dance..
he had a really good technique and a fast learner.... I want to see more of Firul videos....
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