~The Best of J's in 2007..~
I do not like to think about bad things~ Only would like to keep all the good things in mind for memories, for experience, for lessons.. Thus, only would like to share the good things of mine in 2007..
1. Dad's Case Settled
This is really the BEST of the year!.. My dad's case has been "pending" for so long.. Few years time and at last.. This year, 2007.. It is settled~ Free from the burden which definitely makes us more comfortable and happier!.. Thanks to GOD for helping my dad and helping us to go through all these years..
2. I fall in Love with Bodyjam
Well, all these while, I LOVE dancing very much and after joining FF.. I have the chance to learn all sorts of dancing.. Eventhough it's all kind of dances jumble together in 1-hour class yet it's really fun!.. That's the Body Jam!.. For the whole year I have been really fancy about Body Jam and hardly miss a class~ It will make me sick!.. haha~ =P
3. Training in Singapore
What so special about Training in Singapore.. Well, maybe it's nothing special to others.. But for me.. It's definitely extra-ordinary.. Firstly, I got the chance to go Singapore for training of being Customer Service which this kind of training can be done anywhere in the office.. Yet, our boss is nice enough to send us to Singapore by FLIGHT and staying in a cool hotel!.. =P
4. 1st time Bonus
Yes, after so many years of working.. I got my 1st Bonus this year!.. Couldn't even describe my happiness and excitement when I received the letter from my Big Boss.. It's just so so wonderful that your hardwork is being acknowledged!.. By CASH!.. Haha!..
5. Bali Trip
Bali Trip with SoLoBies is one of the greatest things for J in 2007.. It's more like backpacked trip~ We explored the places ourselves and we enjoyed really really much there.. From shopping to eating to spa and camwhore.. Not forgetting the moment we spent together IN the pool swimming, chatting and drinking beer!.. Nice~
6. Sammi Concert
Sammi's Concert!!! This is the best of her concerts for so many years!.. I missed the HongKong one where few SoLoBies were actually flying to HongKong just for her concert.. Luckily, I din miss the Genting one.. Hahaha! Ya, kinda BIG difference but well.. We have to accept what we can afford~ So.. Genting is good enough lor!.. Go Sammi Go Sammi Go!!..
7. 1st SoLoBies' Wedding & Baby.. Olivia
1st SoLoBi who get married.. 1st to have Baby.. 1st SoLoBi Baby is Olivia Gan.. Welcome to the world~ =D And congratulations to SoLoBi Ai.. Goldfish.. Thanks as well for bringing us a lovely KaiNui.. Cant wait to see her myself!!..
8. Early Promotion to Manager
Hehe.. This one have to clarify again.. I am NOT the Manager of my department ya.. I am in Manager RANK only!.. Faham tak? Tak faham then forget about it.. 2008 is coming!.. Haha~ Well, I am happy about this cos I was being promoted before the actual date!.. That's cool ok? =P
9. Secret *
Not the Jay Chou's movie, Secret ok?.. Secret in terms of SECRET!.. Haha~ So, when it's a Secret.. Then.. Nothing to reveal.. LoL
10. Won SE K530i from Lucky Draw!
Yeah.. I have to be happy for this la wei~ I never won any BIG prize from any of the Lucky Draw in these 25 years! And this is the 1st time I got the 2nd Grand Prize from a Lucky Draw!.. Oh yeah~ A SE hp model K530i!!! How about my K550i.. Sophia Siah, my sis is really happy as well cos she gets that from me as the Christmas Gift!.. LoL
11. Transfered to Offline Team
This is another excited news!.. After almost 2 years of answering calls every day.. I have the chance to transfer to the 2nd level of my job function.. Investigation Team which we called it as Offline Team!!.. Hehe.. So, what I do now? Handle cases that CSOs could not solve at the 1st call.. Handle complaints.. Handle difficult and demanding customers.. LoL It's more stressful but and more challenging but I love it!..
12. Christmas Trip of SoLoBies @ Singapore
Singapore again? This time is more special..
SoLoBies trip of Christmas to
Singapore!!.. This time really happy cos all
SoLoBies in
Singapore branch supported my expenses!!!
OMG! I am just so touched to have them as my friends.. Love them much!!! =D
So, that's my
Goodies.. What about yours? Hopefully, you have as much goodies as possible too in
2007.. And what's next? Wish you all
Happy New Year 2008!!! More good things coming and bad things ciao-ing!!!! Yeah~~
Jason Siah
2.27pm 31st December 2007
At 10:55 AM,
Anonymous said…
Wah so nice, expenses paid for Singapore trip ?!
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