BOH Ada Umphh!!.. Is that what you have in mind when talk about
BOH!.. Teambuilding @
Cameron of course we would have
Teambuilding activities lo.. But this year, the activities are kinda soft.. Just simple activities with nice view..
1st station, as u can see..
BOH tea farm~ Hmm.. When we got here, the
1st thing was to get our free drinks!.. And I can tell you..
BOH is really sedap la wei.. Especially drinking in early morning on the hill~~ Cooling yet warm.. Wow!.. =P
The place is nice as it's up hill.. We need to check out the boards and information along the way to answer few questions provided to us.. So, our
1st activity was just too nice and comfortable.. After the drink, we walked around reading and looking for information.. The history.. The type of tea.. The process.. Yada yada yada.. =P

We definitely have fun in this 1st station.. It's just too comfortable and easy I guess.. Haha!.. Moreover, met with few of BBCSC colleagues here so we walked together eventhough we are not from the same group though!.. Taking pictures and chit chat along the way..
Left: Man behind the successful woman..
Right: Woman behind the successful man.. (Mana da woman?!)
We met and we grab pic..After the comfortable looking-for-answer station.. We continue to proceed.. 2nd station where it involves ACTION!.. Pipe Blowing~~ It's located right below the BOH tea farm so we need to walk from the BOH.. Along the way, we could as well enjoy the nice and picturesque view.. Not to waste it.. We taken some pic along the way.. Talk about Pipe Blowing.. 1st time trying this game.. It looks damn easy.. But actually it's damn hard.. This proves.. Not all the ppl can blow well~ >.< Wahahahaha! =P
U must be careful when blowing the pipe..
The models are not important anymore as the grenery is greater!..
Look like smoking pulak!.. Haha..
That's the 2 stations in the morning session.. Then we makan lunch and continue with another stations.. I only managed to take pic in the 3rd station which is in the Cactus Farm.. We need to create landscape using the cactus and some colorful small stones.. But I did not capture the pic of our landscape here cos it's not nice!.. So honest hor? hahaha.. Another 2 stations were the Vege Farm and Strawberries Farm.. We harvested Lettuce & Lobak.. And grow baby strawberries.. Ya, no pysical strawberries involved in the whole process.. So no pic can be shown.. But can see alot of cactus lor~~~~ =P
This is obviously not cactus ba!..
Well, not to elaborate more on the activities.. Frankly speaking, I din really have fun IF we refer to the Teambuilding activities.. Except the 1st Station!.. Memang BOH ada Umphh!!.. Yang lain.. So disappointing.. Anyway, we did enjoy among ourselves.. Hahaha~ Syiok sendiri!.. Jay & I were in the same batch all the way.. So, we have companion lor.. Double J's~ Haha!
So fast Christmas oo!.. 
The Tall vs The Short..
(Anonymous vs AhYeong..)
Stay tune for the most exciting activity of all~~ Our
Pyjammas Nite!.. =P The nite I won a
SonyEricson handphone lo!.. Haha~~ Exciting and interesting!..
P/s: Kinda busy lately.. Hard to visit blogs.. Sorry guys!.. Will catch up soon!..~J~Jason Siah10.14am 6th December 2007
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