~SoLoBies Still 开开心心过日子..~

We drove till the Cable Car station and of course took cable car up to Genting Highlands.. It was awesome!.. Haha~ This is not the 1st time I take cable car to Genting but I could feel our happiness together in this very cable car with our laughters filled the entire "box".. It actually did make me feel that we were like secondary students going for year-end trip!.. Haha!..

After the buffet, we decided to go for a walk.. We were tired.. We were sleepy.. Rush here after work.. And it's midnite~ But still, we would like to go for a Bucks~ So, we walked back to the 1st World Hotel.. In front of it, there is a Starbucks.. Mana tau?.. FULL HOUSE.. OMG! We were tired.. We were sleepy.. BUT, we decided to challenge ourselves.. We walked to the CoffeeBean located quite far from 1st World Hotel.. And when I said far.. It means really VERY FAR.. Of course, with the spirit of SoLoBies, we managed to have a Bean lor.. =P

Okie.. Back to the hotel room.. Before going out for our supper, I was saying that we rested a while in the hotel room right? Hmm.. That only applys to another room.. But for our room.. Zham, Bai and myself had perform camwhore session GAO GAO!.. Haha~ Pictures say it all.. Look below.. I love this bunch of pictures though!.. =D Thanks to Zham for the idea~
Next day, we wake up not early~ Haha!.. 1st thing was to check out and went for our break-lunch of course!.. Eating is still the most important thing for us!.. Hehe!.. We have chosen Kenny Rogers.. Dan sempena HariJadi Zham.. We prepared a very 'siew yi si' cake for her.. Really small.. Hope she doesnt mind.. Sort of celebrate for her lor.. =D
We still wanted to wander around before we get down hill.. Thus, we decided to play some video games! Haha.. See, told you.. We are just like secondary school going for trip like that~ We SHOOT ppl.. We INITIAL D.. We also played the PHOTO HUNT game for more than 5 times! WHY?? Because we wanted to squeeze SoLoBies name into Top 10!.. And we did it!.. Top 5 somemore!.. Yeah~

Specially thanks to Ken for this time short trip!.. And his family.. His dad is really kind enough.. At first, they exchanged the point for only 1 room.. But when got to know that we have 7 of SoLoBies going.. They exchanged for another room!! Wow~ Arigatou gosaimatsu Uncle & Auntie Lim!..

Btw, each of us spent RM60 for the trip..
Jason Siah
4.30pm 6th November 2007
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